================ Changelog - 2015 ================ .. note:: Please see :doc:`news` for the latest changes. 19.4.3 / 2015/12/30 =================== - fix: don't check if a file is writable using os.stat with SELINUX (:issue:`1171`) 19.4.2 / 2015/12/29 =================== Core ++++ - improvement: handle HaltServer in manage_workers (:issue:`1095`) - fix: Do not rely on sendfile sending requested count (:issue:`1155`) - fix: claridy --no-sendfile default (:issue:`1156`) - fix: LoggingCatch sendfile failure from no file descriptor (:issue:`1160`) Logging +++++++ - fix: Always send access log to syslog if syslog is on - fix: check auth before trying to own a file (:issue:`1157`) Documentation +++++++++++++ - fix: Fix Slowloris broken link. (:issue:`1142`) - Tweak markup in faq.rst Testing +++++++ - fix: gaiohttp test (:issue:`1164`) 19.4.1 / 2015/11/25 =================== - fix tornado worker (:issue:`1154`) 19.4.0 / 2015/11/20 =================== Core ++++ - fix: make sure that a user is able to access to the logs after dropping a privilege (:issue:`1116`) - improvement: inherit the `Exception` class where it needs to be (:issue:`997`) - fix: make sure headers are always encoded as latin1 RFC 2616 (:issue:`1102`) - improvement: reduce arbiter noise (:issue:`1078`) - fix: don't close the unix socket when the worker exit (:issue:`1088`) - improvement: Make last logged worker count an explicit instance var (:issue:`1078`) - improvement: prefix config file with its type (:issue:`836`) - improvement: pidfile handing (:issue:`1042`) - fix: catch OSError as well as ValueError on race condition (:issue:`1052`) - improve support of ipv6 by backporting urlparse.urlsplit from Python 2.7 to Python 2.6. - fix: raise InvalidRequestLine when the line contains malicious data (:issue:`1023`) - fix: fix argument to disable sendfile - fix: add gthread to the list of supported workers (:issue:`1011`) - improvement: retry socket binding up to five times upon EADDRNOTAVAIL (:issue:`1004`) - **breaking change**: only honor headers that can be encoded in ascii to comply to the RFC 7230 (See :issue:`1151`). Logging +++++++ - add new parameters to access log (:issue:`1132`) - fix: make sure that files handles are correctly reopened on HUP (:issue:`627`) - include request URL in error message (:issue:`1071`) - get username in access logs (:issue:`1069`) - fix statsd logging support on Python 3 (:issue:`1010`) Testing +++++++ - use last version of mock. - many fixes in Travis CI support - miscellaneous improvements in tests Thread worker +++++++++++++ - fix: Fix self.nr usage in ThreadedWorker so that auto restart works as expected (:issue:`1031`) Gevent worker +++++++++++++ - fix quit signal handling (:issue:`1128`) - add support for Python 3 (:issue:`1066`) - fix: make graceful shutdown thread-safe (:issue:`1032`) Tornado worker ++++++++++++++ - fix ssl options (:issue:`1146`, :issue:`1135`) - don't check timeout when stopping gracefully (:issue:`1106`) AIOHttp worker ++++++++++++++ - add SSL support (:issue:`1105`) Documentation +++++++++++++ - fix link to proc name setting (:issue:`1144`) - fix worker class documentation (:issue:`1141`, :issue:`1104`) - clarify graceful timeout documentation (:issue:`1137`) - don't duplicate NGINX config files examples (:issue:`1050`, :issue:`1048`) - add `web.py` framework example (:issue:`1117`) - update Debian/Ubuntu installations instructions (:issue:`1112`) - clarify `pythonpath` setting description (:issue:`1080`) - tweak some example for python3 - clarify `sendfile` documentation - miscellaneous typos in source code comments (thanks!) - clarify why REMOTE_ADD may not be the user's IP address (:issue:`1037`) Misc ++++ - fix: reloader should survive SyntaxError (:issue:`994`) - fix: expose the reloader class to the worker. 19.3.0 / 2015/03/06 =================== Core ++++ - fix: :issue:`978` make sure a listener is inheritable - add `check_config` class method to workers - fix: :issue:`983` fix select timeout in sync worker with multiple connections - allows workers to access to the reloader. close :issue:`984` - raise TypeError instead of AssertionError Logging +++++++ - make Logger.loglevel a class attribute Documentation +++++++++++++ - fix: :issue:`988` fix syntax errors in examples/gunicorn_rc 19.2.1 / 2015/02/4 ================== Logging +++++++ - expose loglevel in the Logger class AsyncIO worker (gaiohttp) +++++++++++++++++++++++++ - fix :issue:`977` fix initial crash Documentation +++++++++++++ - document security mailing-list in the contributing page. 19.2 / 2015/01/30 ================= Core ++++ - optimize the sync workers when listening on a single interface - add `--sendfile` settings to enable/disable sendfile. fix :issue:`856` . - add the selectors module to the code base. :issue:`886` - add `--max-requests-jitter` setting to set the maximum jitter to add to the max-requests setting. - fix :issue:`899` propagate proxy_protocol_info to keep-alive requests - fix :issue:`863` worker timeout: dynamic timeout has been removed - fix: Avoid world writable file Logging +++++++ - fix :issue:`941` set logconfig default to paster more trivially - add statsd-prefix config setting: set the prefix to use when emitting statsd metrics - :issue:`832` log to console by default Thread Worker +++++++++++++ - fix :issue:`908` make sure the worker can continue to accept requests Eventlet Worker +++++++++++++++ - fix :issue:`867` Fix eventlet shutdown to actively shut down the workers. Documentation +++++++++++++ Many improvements and fixes have been done, see the detailed changelog for more information.